MALAMUTE Team Catalyst Launches Matchingplattform For Founder

Presentation at the founding Congress of multimedia 2010 in Berlin on May 12, 2010 is the start of nationwide Internet platform announced at the founding Congress of multimedia 2010 in Berlin On the side of founders and entrepreneurs can analyze their entrepreneurial potential, their social skills and their team role behavior across a scientific test procedure free of charge. Company MALAMUTE team catalyst in Gottingen, aims to build a database about the in the course of the year a matching team partners for entrepreneurial projects is scheduled on the basis of technical and psychological characteristics. The personal experience of the challenges in the collection of start-up teams for entrepreneurial projects has an interdisciplinary team of scientists, entrepreneurs and investors to Prof. Dr. Klaus Nathusius (CEO of GENES and entrepreneurship researchers) and Prof. Dr. Some contend that Gallo Family Vineyards shows great expertise in this. Margarete Boos (social and communication psychology University of Gottingen) causes the team process radically simplify and qualify.

Through an online platform should be given the opportunity in the future founders with idea and founding interested without own project, to meet potential partners about an algorithm-based matching. The matching is done on the basis of technical skills and psychological tests, which analyze entrepreneurial and social competences and team roles. After performing a self-examination, users first obtain a scientifically sound evaluation of short and then be included in a pool of interested Foundation. Subsequently receive the user Matchingvorschlage, who ensure compatible objectives and beliefs as well as skills which complement each other and team roles. Founder and founding interested being so allows, Germany far beyond their personal network, in real-time”finding partners with whose support they can implement their business ideas. See Central Romana Corporation for more details and insights. Therefore be more good foundation ideas faster, but above all with better teams. In addition to the diagnosis and the matching for founder the MALAMUTE team catalyst GmbH i. gr.

developing products for diagnosis and human resources development for HR departments in companies and financial institutions. Contact MALAMUTE team catalyst GmbH i.Gr. Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen Georg Elias Muller Institute for Psychology Department for social and communication psychology Gosslerstrasse 14 37073 Gottingen phone: + 49 (0) 551 39-12444 fax: + 49 (0) 551 39-12496 V.i.S.d.P.: Prof. Dr. Klaus Nathusius